Screenwriter and director Sergey Debizhev
national film certificate
dated September 11, 2018 No. 28546
The film “Sky of Heaven” lasts 80 minutes, format 4k.
The main shootings are carried out using the latest achievements in the field of aerial photography, which will allow you to get the highest quality image and expressiveness


About the project

Celestial Tavrida, 2020. Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes
Written and directed by Sergey Debizhev
Music by Victor Sologub
Photography by Alexey Nemov, Roman Lyubimsky
Produced by Natalia Debizheva
Two Captains film company with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Nominee for the award at the 2020 International Moscow Film Festival
Prize for best camera work at 2020 Radonezh film festival.

Celestial Tavrida is a true spectacle. The film is about our planet, about an amazing corner of the globe, where, from the synergy of four elements, a new one is born, called Crimea. The film unveils its extraordinary magic and its unique purpose. It is about fascinating people and fantastic nature. About its spacelike landscapes and ancient cultures. About the depth of history and the height of the spirit.

With the support of:

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Russian Geographical Society
Simferopol International Airpo







An exciting story








The film is based on the four elements presenting Crimea on planetary scale, as a miniature of the Earth. The peninsula boasts everything: mountains, sea, green forests, tropics, savannah, sandy deserts, swamplands, extinct volcanoes, salt lakes. Even the spacelike landscapes that look totally alien to our planet.


History and culture

Crimea is a source of inspiration, the cradle of ancient civilizations. It bears powerful creative energy. The film shows its history and culture through distinctive symbols and vivid images.


People and traditions

The film focuses on the people's lives: customs and traditions of the ethnic groups inhabiting Crimea, as well as the creativity of the younger generation. The film features people of different ages and jobs, of different religions and mindsets who get along in harmony under the Crimean sky.





Sergey Debizhev about making the film


In the modern world, visualization of ideas has become crucial. Celestial Tavrida is a large-scale narration of the history, culture, nature, and people of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Globally, the project seeks to demonstrate the whole power, beauty and potential of the Republic of Crimea, as well as its natural and human energy that actually gives rise to the genius loci. The story is extremely spectacular, showing to best advantage all the richness, the significance and the prospects of the Crimea, as part of the Russian state, the most valuable and the most pure diamond in its crown.



Top level filming
The most advanced filming techniques were applied when making the movie. The cameramen had to wait for certain nature and weather conditions, shooting at dawns and sunsets, in fogs and storms, in mountain gorges, above and under water. This requires different approaches and special filming methods. Some equipment including a light drone was manufactured specially for the project, and some filming techniques had never been used before.



Sergey Debizhev, the author

He is a member of the Expert Council for Cinematography of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. He is also a member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia as well as the Union of Russian Artists. Sergey Debizhev is Russia’s well-known and most renowned documentary maker who has created over 30 feature films and documentaries, winning prizes and diplomas at prestigious domestic and international film forums including Grand Prix at major film festivals.

Numerous publications and many TV stories have been released featuring Sergei Debizhev's work. His films are screened on Central Russian TV channels and are studied by students of cinematographic universities.




Layers of history

Basically, the film project aims to show the layers of the Crimean history. The peninsula has an eventful history, for peoples and cultures have alternated here over the centuries. It is like an incredible layer cake that originates in obscurity...



The Crimean team

For me it is very important that we managed to find world-class cameramen in Crimea. They know the region perfectly, they love it, and understand all the finest details. Apart from just being professionals, they were really fascinated by the project. ‘It was the dream of all my life, I have always wanted to make such a film’, said Alexey Nemov, director of photography, when he heard that we would work together.



Hymn to the peninsula

This spectacular, lively, impressive film made at world-class level gives both Russian and international audiences an account of the unique nature of Crimea: its beauty, diversity of geographical landscapes, its history and multiculturalism. In 2020-2021, the film will be screened at both international and Russian film festivals, premieres will take place in Moscow, Crimea, and St. Petersburg. The film will also be shown on television, in cinemas, and online platforms.







For partners

Being a film partner gives your company a prestigious status in an international film project.
Celestial Tavrida is bound to become the signature of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol both in Russia and abroad.

What we offer to our partners

Becoming a part of a bright story
The promotion plan of Celestial Tavrida includes a lot of top-rated premieres, the film will be shown in cinemas, on television and online platforms, at international and Russian film festivals, as part of official events and at international forums, and it also will be widely covered in the media and social networks.
Social media coverage
Our partners will receive fascinating content to use on their social networks. Breathtaking photos, videos, possible contests and draws for tickets and other prizes could potentially get the subscribers emotionally involved. A large number of comments and reposts is expected. The project is expected to get 1.5 million number of views on YouTube channel.
Generally, the project is expected to get 3-4 million views on the channel in the first year.